what we do

Skills Canada Nunavut offers a variety of free programs and has events running throughout the year in communities across Nunavut:

  • After-school Skills Clubs

  • Cardboard Boat Races

  • National Trades and Technology Week

  • Territorial and Regional Trade Show events

  • Community School visits and workshops

  • Career Fairs

  • Intensive Skills Camps

  • Territorial Skills Competition

get involved! 

We rely on volunteers to help us reach as many students in as many communities across Nunavut as possible. If you are interested in helping out at an event or leading a Skills Club, contact us today!

Territorial Skills competition


For one full weekend every Spring, Inuksuk High School, in Iqaluit, is usually transformed into an Olympic-style trades and technology competition. Learn more on our Territorial Skills Competition Page!

skills clubs

Got skills to share? Want to learn a new skill alongside your students? Skills Clubs are extra- curricular programs run by teachers, volunteers, and community professionals designed to expose youth to a variety of skilled trades that are not offered in school. Skills Canada Nunavut provides guidance, resources and funding to get Skills Clubs running in any high school across the territory.

Learn more on our Skills Clubs page!

skills camps

Skills Camps are week or weekend long programs that are dedicated to a single trade or technology skill. Skills camps are held in any community in Nunavut.

Instructors have the opportunity to build on a weeks worth of time together and students complete the camp with an in depth knowledge of their trade.

#NTTSW #skillscanada #nationaltradesandtechnologiesweek


Arnauvugut is our Young Women’s Exploring Trades Conference for Nunavut females to be exposed to Trades, Technology, and Service skills.

In 2020 we brought 30 youth from all three regions of Nunavut to Rankin Inlet to give them a chance to Try 5 different trades at Ranikin Inlet’s trades school. The trades were Plumbing, Heavy Equipment Operator, Carpentry, Oil and Heating, and Electrical.

Stay tuned for our next conference dates and applications!

cardboard boat races

The Cardboard boat race is an annual event that challenges students and teachers with their engineering skills. With nothing but cardboard and tape, can you create a boat that can hold you and your teammates to cross the pool to the other side?

Middle School Teachers! Would you like to introduce Trades and Technology Projects to your classroom? These kits are designed to introduce STEAM trades and technology skills to your classroom. #NTTSW #skillscanada nationaltradesandtechnologiesweek

Contact us to learn how to access your free classroom kits. Kits are limited! Apply Early!

These kits are designed to introduce STEAM trades and technology skills to your classroom.

Possible kits available are:

  • Cabin Building Kits - Single Use 

  • Cabin Electricity Add On - Single Use 

  • 4 in 1 Hydrolic Arm Kits - Reusable 

  • K8 Robotics Kit - Reusable 

  • Electric Car with Propellers - Reusable 

  • Electric Car Kit - Reusable 

  • Electricity Maker Kit - Reusable 

  • Advanced Hydrolic Arm Kits - Reusable 

  • Climate Action Kits - Reusable 

  • House Building Kits - Single Use 

  • Hydrolic Robotic Arm - Reusable